
Apply now for our bank account opening service

Companies incorporated in several countries as Hong Kong, Singapore or Malta, Cyprus members of European Union  are required to prepare a set of audited financial statements every year and file them at the Registry of Companies form each country.

Financial Statements are useful also because they are showing the accurate and complex picture of the companies activity.

Examination involves the synthesis of the company’s activities, based on:

Contracts signed by the company

Selling and purchasing invoices

Bank statements

Documents supporting payments

Dividends received

Titles of propriety

Information about Subsidiaries (if any)

For further information about our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Our company is diligently conducting financial statement audits across various jurisdictions, adhering strictly to International Accounting and Auditing Standards.

Our comprehensive service begins with the presentation of audited financial statements to directors and shareholders. Upon receiving their approval, we promptly submit the necessary statutory financial statements to the relevant local authorities.

In jurisdictions where mandatory audits are required, this serves as a distinct advantage, enhancing the overall regulatory framework and governance of the jurisdiction

For additional information about services, you can check the site Consil Formation.